segunda-feira, dezembro 01, 2008

Com que então, fim-de-semana prolongado...

E deixam o blogue às moscas, não é?
Lá vou ter eu, que sou a única que trabalho, de escrever aqui qualquer coisita.
Olhem, à falta de melhor, aqui vai o texto do e-mail que uns deputados europeus me enviaram na sexta-feira passada. Leiam com atenção. Esta gente está toda a passar-se, mas é!

Thursday the 4th of December Dalai Lama will speak at the European Parliament. Tenzin Gyatso's visit coincide with a decisive moment for the Tibetan's future. Dalai Lama strategy - non-violence and dialogue with China in order to obtain an effective autonomy, and not independence - risks to be definitively defeated by Chinese authorities' unavailability to accept any step forward. If this occurs, it will not be only a tragedy for the Tibetan people. If the non-violent solution and federal autonomy will not be take into consideration, a hard beat will be stroke against the right for democracy for 1,5 billion Chinese and against peace hope of all humanity.

To greet and sustain the Dalai Lama in his non-violent struggle, we propose to everybody - European civil servants, MEP, assistants and visitors - to observe a day of fasting, from midnight of the 3rd to midnight of the 4th and to wear the traditional white scarf.

We ask to all of those that intend to participate at the fasting (are allowed water and sugared beverages during the 24 hours) to preannounce it, in order to publicise the list of the participants. The list will be given to the Dalai Lama during the morning of the 3rd.

Kind regards,

Marco Cappato (MEP, Italian radicals)
Thomas Mann (MEP, Chair of the Tibet intergroup)
Marco Pannella (MEP, Chair of the Non-Violent Radical Party, Transnational and transparty)

Nota fundamental: fasting significa jejum.


Blogger Joao com til no a, se faz favor. said...

Hoje jejuei das 8h15 até às 12h15.

Ia-me esvaindo de fome.

segunda-feira, dezembro 01, 2008 12:32:00 da tarde  
Blogger Unknown said...

"are allowed water and sugared beverages during the 24 hours"

O segredo da coisa esta visto e muito acucar na agua ...

segunda-feira, dezembro 01, 2008 2:59:00 da tarde  
Blogger Carlos Malmoro said...

Já me estou a entrar no escritório «wear[ing] the traditional white scarf.»

Era lindo...

segunda-feira, dezembro 01, 2008 8:52:00 da tarde  

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