quinta-feira, setembro 14, 2006

This is not 'God is on our side'

President Bush said yesterday that he senses a "Third Awakening" of religious devotion in the United States that has coincided with the nation's struggle with international terrorists, a war that he depicted as "a confrontation between good and evil."

Bush told a group of conservative journalists that he notices more open expressions of faith among people he meets during his travels, and he suggested that might signal a broader revival similar to other religious movements in history. Bush noted that some of Abraham Lincoln's strongest supporters were religious people "who saw life in terms of good and evil" and who believed that slavery was evil. Many of his own supporters, he said, see the current conflict in similar terms.

"A lot of people in America see this as a confrontation between good and evil, including me," Bush said during a 1 1/2 -hour Oval Office conversation on cultural changes and a battle with terrorists that he sees lasting decades. "There was a stark change between the culture of the '50s and the '60s -- boom -- and I think there's change happening here," he added. "It seems to me that there's a Third Awakening."


"He's drawing a parallel in terms of a resurgence, in dangerous times, of people going back to their religion," said one aide, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the session was not open to other journalists. "This is not 'God is on our side' or anything like that."(...)

Está um gajo a ouvir um discurso sem compromissos, com uma distinção clara entre o Bem e o Mal, tem sempre que aparecer um badameco qualquer a dizer "This is not 'God is on our side'". Qualquer dia vêm pedir um Estado laico!

Felizmente à esquerda ninguém acredita nisso da superioridade moral! Não ... Ou será que a superioridade de que a esquerda fala é da superioridade mUral?


Blogger [A] said...

BOm dia Luis!!!
há-de haver cada vez mais muros, não dúvides...e menos moral.

quinta-feira, setembro 14, 2006 11:00:00 da manhã  
Blogger Unknown said...

Os muros são bem vindos, e a barbaridade da amoralidade que venha também seja ela de esquerda ou de direita ...

sexta-feira, setembro 15, 2006 3:35:00 da manhã  

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